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胃潰瘍としたものはopen ulcerはもちろんulcer scarのみのものも含まれていてGUで表わした.十二指腸潰瘍も同様でDUで表わした.併存潰瘍は(GU+DU)で表わした.
We termed open gastric ulcer and / or gastric scar as GU, duodenal ulcer as DU and coexistent gastric and duodenal ulcer as GU+DU. O means no pathological findings.
In this paper the problems of the follow-up study on coexistent lesions of gastric and duodenal ulcer are discussed.
From April 1970 to May 1978, 9140 patients with upper G-I complaints were examined by the fluoroscopic and radiographic procedures in the Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Kyorin University. The radiological diagnosis of 95% of all the patients was made by Dr. D. Aoyama. The longest follow-up term was 6.5 years.
Of 9140 patients the total number of GU+DU way 468. In those patients the number of the patients followed up with GU+DU were 217.
GU+DU was seen in 20.8% in the total patients with gastric ulcer and in 43.3% in duodenal ulcers.
In the patients with GU+DU, GU was antecedent in 9.2% of the 217 patients (male: female ratio= 3.12), and so was DU in 30.4% of the 217 patient (male: female ratio=2.33).
In the follow-up study of the patients with gastric ulcer, the radiological findings of the scar of the gastric ulcer were often recognized or they eventually disappeared during the follow-up studies, but the recurrence of gastric ulcer was not so rare. On the contrary, the scar of the duodenal ulcer did not disappear completely in the majority of the patients with duodenal ulcer.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.