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Gastric Cancer Triangle, Pathological Way of Thinking on Gastric Cancer Diagnosis Kyoichi Nakamura 1 1Department of Pathology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University School of Medicine Keyword: 胃癌の三角 , F境界線 , 癌組織発生 , 癌肉眼型 , 転移様式 pp.161-171
Published Date 1993/2/26
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403106099
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 Qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of gastric cancer is made by x-ray and endoscopic examinations, and pathological examination of biopsy specimen. These examinations complement each other, however, the results are not always so sufficient as to identify lesions. The idea of “gastric cancer triangle” would be helpful to diagnose lesions. When we need to re-examine a patient with a suspicious lesion, instead of doing an aimless procedure, we can focus on findings which would be predicted by the idea of “gastric cancer triangle”.

 Cancer needs a place to exist and cancer can not exist without a place, therefore we can not discuss cancer without considering a place. The place where gastric cancer exists is divided into 2 sub stantially different types of the mucosa (the gastric proper mucosa and the intestinal metaplastic mucosa). There are 2 histological types of cancer. The relation between the mucosal type and histological type of cancer is described as [cancer development (h): mucosa→histological type of cancer]. On the other hand, there are some differences of macroscopic type and the way of metastasis in the two histological types of cancer. There is a relation described as [nature of cancer (c): histological type of cancer→macroscopic type and the way of metastasis]. Therefore, theoretically, there should be a relation described as [composite relation (h・c): macroscopic type, the way of metastasis→mucosa].

 Gastric mucosa is not stable and changes as time goes on. Stomach as a place can be divided into two sections by the F boundaryline (the interior area of F-line and the exterior area of F-line). The nature of the mucosa depends on a place. That is, there are relations among place, histological type of cancer, and macroscopic type, which form the tips of triangle. This is a reason why “the gastric cancer triangle” has been proposed as fail-safe system for making the correct diagnosis of gastric cancer.

Copyright © 1993, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


