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A Histopathological Study of the Gastric Glandular Area from the Viewpoint of Atrophic Degree of Fundic Gland Mucosa Yasuo Ohkura 1 1Department of Pathology, Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer Detection Center Keyword: 胃底腺の萎縮度 , F境界線 , f境界線 , 中間帯 , 移縮移行帯 pp.1549-1559
Published Date 1997/11/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403105238
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 The area of gastric glands has been studied clinicopathologically by many researchers. And Nakamura's classification of gastric mucosa defined by intestinal metaplasia in the fundic gland mucosa has been used widely. The progress of intestinal metaplasia was clearly related to the degree of the atrophy of the fundic gland mucosa, but the histopathological figure of the atrophic degree of the fundic gland mucosa was not expressed clearly. To classify the degree of atrophy in five groups, thirty-three cases of gastrectomy specimens were examined histopathologically.

 Studying the fundic gland mucosa through the pattern of boundary lines, the contrast with the Fboundary line, comparison with the macroscopical figures, and the relation of the histopathological figures of small carcinomas, it was decided to divide the gastric gland into three areas. One area was the mucosa with marked atrophy, another was the mucosa without atrophy, and the other was the area between the former two, which was found to be moderately atrophic.

 The intestinal metaplasia and the pseudopyloric gland had some relationship to the atrophy of the fundic gland mucosa, but clinicopathologically, the atrophic figure of the fundic gland mucosa was able to be classified more exactly without reference to intestinal metaplasia or the pseudopyloric gland.

 The areas constituted two boundary lines, the analside boundary line and the oral-side boundary line. The anal-side boundary line was related to the macroscopical figure of the pattern in the gastric area and the capillaries seen in the mucosal area. The oral-side line was related more to the mucosal fold. The average width between these lines was less than 2.0 cm at the middle portion of the body.

 Contrary to Nakamura's definition, it was thought that the oral-side line should be named the F-boundary, and the oral-side line should be called the f-boundary line. And the area between the two boundary areas was named the “shift zone”, regarding to the histopathological figure of gradual atrophy of fundic gland mucosa.

Copyright © 1997, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


