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要旨 目的:X線的胃粘膜萎縮度からみた胃癌ハイリスクグループの抽出.対象:胃癌発見3年以上前のX線画像の見直しが可能であった逐年受診発見胃癌82例.方法:発見3年以上前のX線画像における萎縮度(grade 1~3)と発見胃癌の臨床病理学的因子の関係の分析.結果:単変量解析では萎縮度別に,年齢(歳),性別(女性,男性),F線領域(F線内部,近傍,外部),肉眼型(陥凹型,隆起型),組織型(未分化型癌,分化型癌)に有意差が認められた.多変量解析ではF線領域と組織型が独立した危険因子で,grade 1と萎縮が弱いほどF線内部領域,未分化型癌の発生リスク,grade 2,3と萎縮が強いほどF線外部領域,分化型癌の発生リスクが高かった.結論:より的確な癌発見のためには,X線的萎縮度別にF線領域と組織型を考慮した撮影・読影体制を構築する必要がある.
Aims : From the degree of gastric atrophy detected by X-ray used in annual screening we tried to clarify the characteristics of gastric cancer that might be expected to develop.
Material : 82 cases of gastric cancer clearly verified by histology.
Method : We analyzed the clinico-pathological factors related to the degrees of atrophy(grade 1~3)reversed in X-ray images taken three years previously.
Results : In a univariate analysis, a meaningful difference was recognized by the age, sex, F boundary line area macroscopic type and a histological type. However, only the F boundary line area and histological type were independent factors.
Conclusions : It is necessary to build a reading system in X-ray for gastric cancer screening that considers the F boundary line area and the histological type in relation to the gastric atrophy degree shown by X-ray in order to discover cancer more precisely.

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