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要旨 患者は62歳,男性.主訴は上腹部不快感.内視鏡検査にて前庭部大彎に中心部に不整形潰瘍を伴う隆起性病変を認め,Borrmann2型胃癌が強く疑われた.また,体中下部の後壁には発赤が多数存在した.しかし,生検所見では悪性所見は認めず,異型性を伴わないRussel小体を内包する形質細胞の著明な浸潤を主体とする病変であり,体部の発赤部にも同様の所見を認めた.経過観察の結果,隆起性病変は消失し,生検所見でも形質細胞は減少し,通常見られる炎症所見のみとなった.胃形質細胞肉芽腫と考えられる胃病変の完全消失を確認した1症例を報告した.
A 62-year-old man visited our hospital complaining of epigastrial discomfort. Physical and laboratory examinations revealed no significant abnormalities.
Endoscopic study disclosed an elevated lesion with irregular shaped ulceration resembling Borrmann 2 type gastric cancer in the greater curvature of the antrum. Histological examination of the biopsy specimens obtained from this lesion revealed severe infiltration of plasma cells without any signs suggestive of malignancy.
In the course of the observation, this lesion completely disappeared leaving an area of redness. Although not definitive, we considered this lesion as plasma cell granuloma of the stomach.

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