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A Histopathological Feature of Colitis Cystica Profunda Changing from Solitary Rectal Ulcer, Report of a Case Kenji Dohden 1 , Mitsuyo Kosugi 1 , Tatsuo Arakawa 2 , Yusei Annen 3 , Takashi Iwa 4 1Deparatment of Surgery, Tonami General Hospital 2Institute of Gastroenterology, Tonami Generaal Hospital 3Department of Pathology, Tonami General Hospitar 4The First Department of Surgery, school of Medicine, Kanazawa University Keyword: 大腸深在性囊胞症 pp.335-338
Published Date 1991/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403102495
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 We report a case of colitis (orproctitis) cystica profunda changing from a solitary rectal ulcer, in a 16year-old male, He consulted us because of rectal bleeding and disturbance of defecation. On the first endoscopic examination, one ulcer was observed in the rectum (Fig. 1), and its biopsy showed fibromuswlar obliteration (Fig. 2). Therefore he was diagnosed as having a solitary rectal ulcer. After we administered FFG4 to him and forbade him to strain on defecation for a month, his complaints disappeared. The second endoscopic examination showed rectal submucosal tumor (Fig. 3). Local excision of the tumor was performed. Its histopathological diagnosis was colitis cystica profunda, but fibromuscular obliteration had almost disappeared (Fig. 6 and 7). Some of the literature on the point mentioned that the pathogenesis of solitary rectal ulcer was mechanical, and some mentioned that fibromuscular obliteration derived from some mechanical cause. Therefore we think that, in this case, the disappearance of the mechanical agitation upon the ulcer caused its transformation into colitis cystica profunda.

Copyright © 1991, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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