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要旨 当センターにおいてESDを行った食道癌208例を対象に予後を検討した.ESDは208病変中205病変(98.6%)が一括切除であった.そのうち25例に異時性多発癌,7例に転移再発を認め,分割切除となった1例に遺残再発を認めた.転移再発を来したのは,SM2癌が4例,T1a-MM,ly1,v0癌が2例,T1a-LPM,ly0,v0癌が1例であった.SM2癌とT1a-MM,ly1,v0癌には再発を予防するためのCRTが行われていたにもかかわらず,転移再発を来した.208例中9例(食道癌3例,下咽頭癌2例,膵癌1例,肺炎2例,肝硬変1例)が死亡していた.T1a-EP/LPM癌,T1a-MM/SM1癌,SM2癌の3年全生存率はそれぞれ98.8%,95.8%,88.9%であった.
Long-term outcomes after ESD(endoscopic submucosal dissection)of 208 patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma were analyzed. Out of 208 patients, 205 patients(98.6%)were treated with en bloc resection. Persistent recurrence was observed in 1 patient, metachronous cancer was observed in 25 patients and lymph node or spreading by metastasis was observed in 7 patients(1 with T1a-LPM cancer, 2 with T1a-MM ly1, v0 cancer, 4 with SM2 cancer). Metastasis developed in patients with T1a-MM ly1, v0 and SM2 cancer, although they were treated by additional treatment with chemoradiotherapy which prevents metastasis. Through follow-up, 9 patients died(3 due to esophageal cancer, 2 due to hypopharyngeal cancer, 1 due to pancreatic cancer, 2 due to pneumonia and 1 due to liver cirrhosis). The 3-year survival rates of patients with T1a-EP/LPM, T1a-MM/SM1 and SM2 cancer were 98.8%, 95.8% and 88.9%, respectively.

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