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Characteristics of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Lesions in Patients with Adult T-cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Ikuko Iwashita 1 , Akihiro Ino 2 , Naokuni Uike 3 , Koei Uchida 2 , Yusuke Nishimuta 2 , Satoru Uehara 4 1Department of Endoscopy, PS Clinic, Fukuoka, Japan 2Department of Radiology, National Kyushu Cancer Center, Fukuoka, Japan 3Department of Hematology, National Kyusyu Cancer Center, Fukuoka, Japan 4Department of Radiation Therapy, National Kyusyu Cancer Center, Fukuoka, Japan Keyword: ATL/L , 成人T細胞性白血病/リンパ腫 , 免疫不全 , 上部消化管病変 , 日和見感染 , 他臓器癌 pp.264-274
Published Date 2011/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403102152
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 We examined upper gastrointestinal lesions in 288 patients with ATL/L(adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma)treated at our hospital. The gastrointestinal lesions caused by ATL showed organ specificity, i.e., mixed type in the stomach and multiple protrusions in the duodenum. Compared to B cell or T cell lymphomas, larger numbers of multiple and diffuse lesion were detected. Carcinoma in other organs showed a high incidence rate of 10.1%, probably because of the patients'immunocompromised status. Opportunistic infections were found in the upper gastrointestinal tract in 1.3% of cases. Some patients with opportunistic infections or invasion of ATL cell in the lower intestine had lethal condition. The incidence rate of benign lesions was 35.8% ; especially, the incidence of ulcers in the digestive tract was high(8.03%).

Copyright © 2011, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


