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要旨 ATL/Lの上部消化管病変について,自験例238例を対象として検討した.ATL細胞浸潤による消化管病変は臓器特異性があり,胃では混在型が,十二指腸では多発隆起型が多くみられた.B細胞性リンパ腫や,T細胞性リンパ腫と比較すると,多発性,びまん性の傾向がみられた.他臓器の癌が10.1%と高頻度に合併しており,免疫能の低下が関与していると推察された.上部消化管の日和見感染は1.3%にみられ,下部消化管の日和見感染や腫瘍細胞浸潤を合併した症例では,死に至る重篤な状態を引き起こしていた.良性病変は35.8%に認められ,なかでも消化性潰瘍が8.03%と高頻度に合併していた.
We examined upper gastrointestinal lesions in 288 patients with ATL/L(adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma)treated at our hospital. The gastrointestinal lesions caused by ATL showed organ specificity, i.e., mixed type in the stomach and multiple protrusions in the duodenum. Compared to B cell or T cell lymphomas, larger numbers of multiple and diffuse lesion were detected. Carcinoma in other organs showed a high incidence rate of 10.1%, probably because of the patients'immunocompromised status. Opportunistic infections were found in the upper gastrointestinal tract in 1.3% of cases. Some patients with opportunistic infections or invasion of ATL cell in the lower intestine had lethal condition. The incidence rate of benign lesions was 35.8% ; especially, the incidence of ulcers in the digestive tract was high(8.03%).

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