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A Case of Primary Choriocarcinoma of the Stomach Koji Nagata 1 , Hiroshi Yamaguchi 1 , Kazuo Koyanagi 2 , Hideyuki Tawara 2 , Satoshi Tabuchi 2 , Norihiro Okada 2 , Isamu Koyama 2 , Michio Shimizu 1 1Department of Pathology, International Medical Center, Saitama Medical University, Hidaka, Japan 2Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, International Medical Center, Saitama Medical University, Hidaka, Japan Keyword: , 絨毛癌 , ヒト絨毛性ゴナドトロピン , hCG pp.1967-1973
Published Date 2010/11/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403102065
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 A 64-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of fever and general malaise. Generalized examination was carried out, and cholangitis due to a common bile duct stone was diagnosed. Medical therapy by endoscopic sphincterotomy was carried out and a protruded tumor lesion with surface hemorrhage and necrotic change was seen on the posterior wall of the upper body. Re-endoscopic examination with biopsy revealed a choriocarcinoma. The patient was admitted to our hospital for the purpose of close inspection and medical treatment and CT and PET-CT revealed no other primary tumor site nor organic metastasis. Gastrectomy and pancreas tail spleen complication ablation were performed. Histologically, the tumor cells mimicking cytotrophoblastic cells, syncytiotrophoblastic cells, and intermediate trophoblasts, revealed pT3, pN2. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were positive for hCG, hPL, CEA, CA19-9, PLAP, AE1/AE3, CAM5.2, CK7, CK19. The postsurgical clinical course was favorable and no relapse has been observed over the following 2 years.

Copyright © 2010, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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