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The Radiographic Study of Low-Grade Gastric Cancer Yosuke Iriguchi 1 , Jyoji Oda 1 , Masaru Mizutani 1 , Satoshi Takayanagi 1 , Yasuhiro Tomino 1 , Shinichiro Koyama 1 , Daisuke Kishi 1 , Hidetoshi Ohmura 1 , Kohichi Itabashi 1 , Naoya Fujita 1 , Yumiko Hojo 1 , Akiko Hosoi 1 , Kozo Yamada 1 , Kazuhiro Imamura 2 , Jun Matsumoto 2 , Akihiko Yamamura 3 , Tozo Hosoi 1 1Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer Detection Center, Tokyo 2Department of Surgery, Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Medical Cancer, Tokyo 3Department of Pathology, Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer Detection Center, Tokyo Keyword: 胃癌 , 低異型度胃癌 , 分化型胃癌 , 粘液形質 , 胃型 pp.1097-1113
Published Date 2010/6/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403101967
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 Recently, low-grade gastric cancer has been identified, so we need more exact diagnosis than before. For this reason, we have analyzed the radiography of low-grade cancer by classification of mucin phenotype. In gastric mucin phenotype and mixed mucin phenotype, the major colors of cancer areas are red and colors similar to the surrounding nomal area. In intestinal mucin phenotype, the major color is discoloration. In size, gastric mucin phenotypes are big and intestinal mucin phenotypes are small, less than 3cm long. Macroscopically, most gastric mucin phenotypes and mixed mucin phenotypes are the flat type and most intestinal mucin phenotypes are the elevated type. Radiographically, gastric mucin phenotypes presented granules with irregular shapes, and intestinal mucin phenotypes presented circular smooth granules. In X-ray examination, when we examined lesions under changing conditions such as amount of air and barium, barium adhered differently and made it possible for us to make judgments.

Copyright © 2010, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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