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Studies on the Growth of “Linitis Plastica” Gastric Cancer Yosuke Iriguchi 1 , Tozo Hosoi 1 , Jyoji Oda 1 , Masaru Mizutani 1 , Yasuhiro Oono 1 , Tomoaki Shinohara 1 , Satoshi Takayanagi 1 , Yasuhiro Tomino 1 , Daisuke Kishi 1 , Hidetoshi Oomura 1 , Nobuaki Kiryu 1 , Akiko Hosoi 1 , Tadashi Fujisaki 1 , Kohichi Itabashi 1 , Yuichi Takakura 1 , Michihisa Ooura 1 , Kozo Yamada 1 , Hisashi Nakamura 2 , Eita Nakahashi 3 , Akihiko Yamamura 4 1Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Cancer Detection Center, Tokyo 2Department of Gastroenterology, Chofu Surgical Clinic, Tokyo 3Department of Gastroenterology, Kikuna Memorial Hospital, Yokohama, Japan 4Department of Pathology, Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Cancer Detection Center, Tokyo Keyword: 胃癌 , X線診断 , 早期胃癌 , linitis plastica , 原発巣 pp.751-763
Published Date 2008/4/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403101362
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 Thirty nine cases with the ‘Linitis plastica’ type of gastric cancer were pathologically and radiologically analyzed in an attempt to enable earlier diagnosis and to select right effective therapy.

 The following results were obtained:

 1. Pathological analysis suggested: (1) that the primary focus of linitis plastica cancer occurring at the fundic gland area in 19 cases, was a Ⅱc-like carcinoma of the poorly differentiated type less than 25 mm at it's largest diameter, without mucosal fold convergence, and a depth of ulceration in the focus deeper than UL-Ⅱdegree, and (2) that the primary focus of linitis plastica gastric cancer occurring at the intermediate zone in 20 cases, was a Ⅱc-like carcinoma of poorly differentiated type in 15 cases and a mixture of differentiated type in 5 cases, without mucosal fold convergence but with a focus of more than 50 mm in the largest diameter often accompanied with depression of UL-Ⅰdegree. Early diagnosis of linitis plastica gastric cancer could well be made by the detection of these cancer lesions.

 2. The radiological findings of the previous examination were retrospectively analyzed to determine the possible primary focus, and it was found that in about 70%of cases with linitis plastica gastric cancer, the focus could have been detected 2 to 3 years earlier if the findings had been more carefully interpreted. The results suggest that the primary focus of linitis plastica gastric cancer can be detected and the depth of invasion at the time of possible detection was estimated to be limited to the proper muscle or subserosal layer.

 Thus, radiological manifestations of cancerous lesions involving the proper muscle layer in the growth of linitis plastica gastric cancer can be defined by pathological and radiological analysis, and early diagnosis of linitis plastica gastric cancer can be made by detecting these radiological manifestations.

Copyright © 2008, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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