

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Reflecting on the Great East Japan Earthquake Koji Sasaki 1 1Speech Therapy Unit, Southern Tohoku Hospital Keyword: 災害リハビリテーション , 言語聴覚士 , 自身 , 心の支援 , 平常時 , disaster rehabilitation , speech-language-hearing therapist , oneself , emotional support , normal times pp.21-25
Published Date 2025/3/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.134958280220010021
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 To reflect on the Great East Japan Earthquake and other disasters in Miyagi Prefecture through the theme of this symposium “what I felt and experienced as a disaster victim,” a survey was conducted among members of Miyagi Speech Language Hearing Therapists Association. The survey focused on their “personal experiences as disaster victims.” Stories were collected from several therapists about their experiences, such as being stranded at their workplace for several days or losing their homes entirely, and their emotional responses to these circumstances as professionals who were providing support at their respective workplaces. These accounts were shared as accurately as possible. Through the presentations and panel discussions with other symposium participants, I realized that disaster rehabilitation plays a crucial role in not only preventing disaster-related deaths and disuse syndrome in affected areas, but also in providing emotional support to professionals who themselves have been affected. Appreciating the thoughtful theme of this symposium held in Kobe the year before the 30th anniversary of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, I will continue to engage myself in disaster support and build disaster preparedness in normal times.

Copyright © 2025, Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1349-5828 日本言語聴覚士協会


