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要約 目的:糖尿病患者における意図的黄斑円孔からの中心窩下硬性白斑除去後の長期成績を報告する。
Abstract Purpose:To report the long-term outcomes of the intentional removal of subfoveal hard exudates via intentional macular holes in patients with diabetes.
Case and methods:A retrospective study was conducted on nine eyes of seven patients who underwent subfoveal hard exudate removal surgery. A vitrectomy was performed using a 25G system and cataract surgery was performed simultaneously in phakic eyes. After creating a posterior vitreous detachment and peeling the internal limiting membrane, a 38-gauge needle was used to inject balanced salt solution into the subretinal space. Hard exudates were removed through the macular hole created during macular detachment using fluid flow, followed by air or SF6 tamponade. The main evaluation items were best-corrected visual acuity, status of subfoveal hard exudates, and complications. Decimal visual acuity was converted to logMAR units, and an improvement was defined as a change of ≥0.2.
Results:All patients were female, averaging 70.4±6.2(55-74)years. All eyes had a history of panretinal photocoagulation, one had a history of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injection, and three had a history of vitrectomy. The lens status was phakic in three eyes and pseudophakic in six eyes. The mean postoperative follow-up period was 59±11(43-78)months. Subfoveal hard exudates decreased early postoperatively in all cases. The geometric mean decimal visual acuity was 0.11 preoperatively, 0.47 at its best postoperatively, and 0.34 at final follow-up. The final visual acuity significantly improved compared to the preoperative values(p<0.001). Final visual acuity improved in eight eyes(89%), remained unchanged in one eye(11%), and worsened in zero eyes(0%). No severe complications or recurrence of macular edema was observed during the follow-up period.
Conclusion:The long-term outcomes of intentionally removing hard subfoveal exudates through a macular hole were favorable.

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