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・外陰部・肛門部に黒褐色の丘疹が集簇しbowenoid papulosis(BP)と診断した3例を経験した.
・2例にhuman papillomavirus(HPV)16型が検出され,そのうち1例では病変の再発と子宮頸管の異形成を伴った.
Detection of human papillomavirus in Bowenoid papulosis : three case-reports
Suzuki, Eiko1)Kusutani, Nao1)Kamo, Riei1)Sowa-Osako, Junko1)Shimizu, Akira2)Tsuruta, Daisuke1) 1)Department of Dermatology,Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine 2)Department of Dermatology,Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine
Bowenoid papulosis (BP)is clinically characterized by multiple brown-black papules on the genitalia in the sexually active individuals. BP is known as human papillomavirus (HPV)-related disease, especially HPV type 16. We performed HPV test and detected HPV type 16 from 2 out of 3 patients. HPV typing could help in making a prognostic prediction such as recurrence of BP.

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