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・Trichophyton benhamiae(T. benhamiae)による体部白癬を経験した.
・ペットとしてデグー,モルモット,ミニウサギ,イヌを飼育していたが,いずれもT. benhamiaeは検出できなかった.
・分離菌は同菌のGroup IIに属し,スライドカルチャーで螺旋器官や分生子の形成がなく,菌糸は互いに接合し,網状構造を形成した.
・T. benhamiae(Group II)によるヒト感染例は,本邦において,この報告症例を含めて3例目である.
A case of tinea corporis by Trichophyton benhamiae(Group II)
Yanagihara, Makoto1)Anzawa, Kazushi2)Hanakawa, Hiroyoshi1)Mochizuki, Takashi2)
1)Department of Dermatology, Shinseikai Toyama Hospital
2)Department of Dermatology, Kanazawa Medical University
A 22-year-old female university student presented to our hospital with three inflamed annular lesions (2 on left arm, 1 on left thigh)with a 3-week history. Fungus isolated from her lesions grew radially and showed white colored colonies on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar and yellow colored colonies on Potato Dextrose Agar. In slide cultures, hyphae were subhyaline and did not form any microconidia or spirals. The hyphae formed loop- or circuit-like mycelial junctions. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS rDNA sequences in isolated fungi identified the fungus as a clade of T. benhamiae (group II). The lesions healed following 3- week treatment with 125 mg of terminafine hyrocroride and topical lanoconazole ointment.

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