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・慢性膿皮症から生じた有棘細胞癌は原発性の有棘細胞癌と比較し,予後が不良といわれている. ・臀部慢性膿皮症に続発した有棘細胞癌を経験したため,文献的考察を加えて報告する. (「症例のポイント」より)
A case of squamous cell carcinoma developed from pyodermia chronic glutealis
Numata, Tomofumi1)Kobayashi, Hiroko1)Morikawa, Hirofumi2) 1)Department of Dermatology, Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biomedical & Health Sciences 2)Morikawa Dermatology Clinic
Abstract A 65-year-old man developed folliculitis-like lesions from his buttocks to the back of his thighs since he was a high school student. Two years before the first visit, a tumor with ulcer appeared on the back of his right thigh. We diagnosed the tumor as squamous cell carcinoma based on the finding of a skin biopsy. In contrast CT, neither distant metastasis nor lymph node enlargement were observed. We performed enlarged resection of the tumor. Three month after the surgery, metastases in right inguinal lymph node and right pleura were identified. We conducted radiochemotherapy on the metastases.

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