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・広範囲な臀部慢性膿皮症に瘻孔上蓋開放術を施行し良好に経過した. ・切開した部位が再度閉じてしまわないように工夫しながら,辺縁と下床の裏打ちされた上皮成分から上皮化させていくことが重要である. ・臀部皮膚のボリュームを保てること,採皮しなくてよい(新たな傷ができない)ことが利点である. (「症例のポイント」より)
Hidradenitis suppurativa on the buttocks treated by deroofing
Tanaka, Ryo1) 1)Department of Dermatology, Kawasaki Medical School
Abstract We report a case of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) on the buttocks that was treated by deroofing. Deroofing is a simple technique whereby the roof of a sinus tract is electrosurgically incised or removed. It is important to lead the epithelialization from the margin and the bottom side of the fistulous epithelium so that the incised wounds do not close again. The advantage of this technique is that the volume of the buttocks can be retained. If the fistula develops again, additional incisions must be considered each time. However, deroofing is a valuable technique whose adoption can be considered even in advanced cases of HS.

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