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Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategy for Hilar Biliary Stricture Kazumasa NAGAI 1 , Atsushi SOFUNI 1 , Takayoshi TSUCHIYA 1 , Kentaro ISHII 1 , Reina TANAKA 1 , Ryosuke TONOZUKA 1 , Shuntaro MUKAI 1 , Eri JOYAMA 2 , Takao ITOI 1,2 1Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University 2Division of International Medical Care, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan Keyword: hilar biliary stricture , hilar cholangiocarcinoma , benign biliary stricture pp.1022-1030
Published Date 2022/6/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.24479/endo.0000000222
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 Hilar biliary stricture is often encountered in daily practice. However, it is difficult to differentiate between benign and malignant lesion. A process of differential diagnosis is according to the algorithm of “Clinical practice guidelines for the management of biliary tract cancers”. Precise diagnosis of local extension is required for hilar cholangiocarcinoma from each of the imaging modality. In the treatment of hilar biliary stricture, biliary drainage is essential for improvement of the status. The approach of drainage varies depending on whether the stricture is benign or malignant. Moreover, in malignant cases, it depends largely on whether it is operable or not. In order to develop the optimal treatment strategy for each patient, it is necessary to perform precise diagnostic imaging and acquire safe and reliable ERCP techniques.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0915-3217 東京医学社


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