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1990年代~2000年代にかけて骨粗鬆症治療薬が次々と開発され,骨代謝研究は盛り上がりをみせた。ASBMR annual meetingには各国から多くの人々が集まり,各製薬メーカーはブースの華やかさを競った。学会および学会員の献身的な努力により,診断学は発達し,アンカードラッグが普及し,世界的に骨折の発生は減少した。今回の学会でもロモソズマブ(Romosozumab)やアバロパラチド(Abaloparatide)の輝かしい臨床成績が報告された一方,参加者らは新薬の開発が収束に向かっていることを実感したに違いない。しかし,骨粗鬆症治療に関してはまだ,課題が残されている。より骨折防止効果の高い薬の開発,長期的な骨粗鬆症治療の安全性,超高齢者に対する治療の有効性についても検討しなければならない。
From 1990s to 2000s, new drugs for osteoporosis have been developed, and the bone metabolism researches have livened up. In those days, many a people gathered to the meeting from many countries, and the each booth of pharmaceutics was proud of its preeminence. The dedications by the society and its members have had osteoporosis diagnostics developed, the anchor drugs become prevalent, and the number of fractures reduced. Although the brilliant effects of Romosozumab and Abaloparatide were presented in the meeting held this year, the members had to accept the convergence state of new drug developments. But some problems have been still left unsolved, the development of more effective drugs to prevent fragile bone fractures without any adverse events, the safety of long term use of the osteoporosis drugs, and the effectiveness of drugs to prevent from fractures of the oldest old people.