

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Intraoperative Hemodynamic Management and Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury Takashi JURI 1 , Koichi SUEHIRO 1 1Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Clinic, Osaka Metropolitan University Keyword: acute kidney injury , hemodynamic management , fluid therapy , optimal oxygen delivery pp.623-632
Published Date 2024/9/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18916/masui.2024090008
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 Acute kidney injury(AKI)remains a significant factor associated with perioperative mortality, and its incidence continues to be a challenge in modern medicine. Preventing postoperative AKI remains a critical objective. Among the factors related to postoperative AKI for which anesthesiologists can intervene, intraoperative blood pressure management and fluid administration stand out. The definition of intraoperative hypotension and the parameters adopted for fluid-administration protocols may undergo future modifications;however, the prevention of intraoperative hypotension and the administration of appropriate fluid therapy are currently considered effective for maintaining adequate circulation in order to prevent postoperative AKI. Careful consideration of individual patient complications and surgical procedures is crucial. Proactive circulatory management that specifically addresses intraoperative hypotension and fluid administration during surgery and is based on patient-specific factors has thus been deemed effective for the prevention of postoperative AKI.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0021-4892 克誠堂出版


