

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Relationships Between Acute Kidney Injury and Intraoperative Urine Output and Blood Pressure Toshiyuki MIZOTA 1 1Department of Anesthesia, Kyoto University Hospital Keyword: acute kidney injury , blood pressure , urine output , goal-directed hemodynamic therapy pp.615-622
Published Date 2024/9/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18916/masui.2024090007
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 Maintaining a patient’s renal blood flow and perfusion pressure is important for the prevention of acute kidney injury(AKI). However, because it is difficult to directly measure these two parameters during the perioperative period, a pragmatic management strategy for preventing an AKI is the optimization of widely used circulatory parameters such as the urine output and blood pressure. Intraoperative oliguria is significantly associated with the development of AKI, but when used alone the ability of this condition to predict AKI is poor. It is necessary to determine whether the intraoperative urine output in combination with other findings can aid in the early detection of AKI. Intraoperative hypotension is critical not only because it is associated with AKI development but also because it is a modifiable parameter. In fact, the avoidance of hypotension is recommended for the prevention of AKI. Moreover, the reported efficacy of goal-directed hemodynamic therapy using indices such as cardiac output and oxygen delivery for AKI prevention suggests that it is essential to optimize patients’ fluid management and improve tissue perfusion by using various hemodynamic parameters rather than simply maintaining blood pressure.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0021-4892 克誠堂出版


