

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Case of Angiomatoid Fibrous Histiocytoma Tamami Kajikawa 1 , Namiko Ishikawa 1 , Koji Takeda 1 , Kohsuke Takeda 1 , Yoshihisa Suzuki 1 1Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Kitano Hospital, Tazuke Kofukai Medical Research Institute pp.98-103
Published Date 2025/1/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18916/keisei.2025010020
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 Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma (AFH) is an extremely rare soft tissue tumor and is classified as a tumor of unknown differentiation. We present a case of AFH on the left forearm of an 8-year-old girl with autism spectrum disorder. During the clinical course, the tumor showed a tendency to shrink, which required differentiation from a granuloma telangiectaticum. The results of a molecular biological analysis suggested the presence of the EWSR1-CREB1 fusion gene, which enabled the diagnosis of AFH. It can be difficult to diagnose AFH based on only the clinical course and histopathological findings. In this patientʼs case, after the diagnosis of AFH was made, an additional resection was performed with a 3-cm surgical margin. Further investigations of the optimal surgical margins for this tumor are merited.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0021-5228 克誠堂出版


