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顔面の動静脈奇形(arteriovenous malformation:以下,AVM)の治療は,完全切除が可能な小範囲のものであれば,切除に伴う変形が少なく根治が期待される 1)。しかし,AVMが深部にまで存在し,完全摘出が不可能な症例もまれではない 2)。部分切除が行われた場合には,切除後の残存病変が再増大したり,出血のコントロールが困難になったりする場合がある。
Although small arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) can be resolved with minimal deformity, cases of deep AVMs that cannot be completely removed are not rare. Reduction of the nidus is of high importance in surgical AVM treatment. Therefore, not only is extended resection with extensive tissue removal advisable; partial resection should also be considered in difficult cases. We treated an 80-year-old woman with an AVM involving the left cheek, mandible, and oral cavity. After the partial resection of the AVM, it was difficult to control the bleeding from the residual lesion in the mandible. In order to successfully control AVMs, it may be necessary to plan appropriate treatment approaches for residual lesions after resection, based on the patientʼs condition and postoperative course.

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