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小耳症手術における遺残耳介の移動は一般的には肋軟骨移植時と同時に行われる 1)2)。今回われわれは,肋軟骨移植前に遺残耳介の中途半端な移動が行われたうえ,生え際に不整を生じていたことで,その後の治療に苦慮した症例を経験した。不用意な遺残耳介への修正は,後の耳介形成に支障を来たす可能性があると考えられたので,報告する。
Remnant auricles of microtia are generally transposed at the same time with the costal cartilage graft. We treated a patient in whom the remnant auricle had been transposed before the costal cartilage grafting; an irregular hairline was the result. We first replaced the patient’s hair-bearing area with a postauricular subcutaneous flap. We then performed a two-stage surgery of costal cartilage grafting and ear elevation. The patient was happy with the results. This patient’s case highlights (i) the concept that surgeons should be careful not to add an improvident invasion for the remnant auricle before performing costal cartilage grafting, and (ii) a postauricular subcutaneous flap is very useful for recovery in such cases.
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