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陥没乳頭とは乳輪の平面より乳頭の先端が低い状態と定義され,片側性または両側性いずれの場合もあり,全女性の2~10%に存在するとされる 1)。本症は先天性のものと後天性のものがあるが,大部分は先天性であり,主に乳管や乳頭を支持する筋組織の発育不全が原因とされる 2)。一方,後天性の原因としては,乳癌,乳腺炎,乳房の手術,および授乳が挙げられる 1)。陥没乳頭は整容性の問題に加え,授乳困難や乳腺炎の原因となることもあることから,治療を必要とすることも多い。陥没乳頭の治療は,保存的治療から手術治療まで,これまでさまざまな方法が報告されてきた。本稿では,これまでの報告をもとに,陥没乳頭の治療の現状を概説する。
Inverted nipples are defined as a condition in which the tip of the nipple is lower than the plane of the areola. The condition can be unilateral or bilateral, and it occur in 2 %-10 % of all women. There are congenital and acquired types of inverted nipples, but most cases are congenital and are mainly caused by hypoplasia and the retraction of the lactiferous ducts. Acquired causes, on the other hand, include breast cancer, mastitis, breast surgery, and breastfeeding. Inverted nipples often require treatment because, in addition to cosmetic problems, they can cause breastfeeding difficulties and mastitis. Various methods have been reported for the treatment of inverted nipples, ranging from conservative to surgical treatments. We review the current state of treatment for inverted nipples based on the current literature.

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