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頭蓋内に発生するsolitary schwannomaは,全国脳腫瘍統計では原発性脳腫瘍中8.3%を占め12),大多数は聴神経に発生する.さらに稀ではあるが,三叉神経,顔面神経7),滑車神経8),舌咽神経,迷走神経,副神経および舌下神経からの発生の報告があるが,subfrontal schwannomaの報告は極めて少ない.最近われわれは,嗅窩部髄膜腫と鑑別が困難であったsubfrontal schwan-nomaの1例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
Subfrontal schwannoma is extremely uncommon. By reviewing the literature, we are able to find 8 previously described cases.
This report describes a very rare case of solitary schwannoma grown in the anterior cranial fossa.
A patient, 23 years old male, had experienced gene-ralized convulsion on April 4, 1981. On the Tc99m scintigram, accumulation of isotope was observed in the left anterior cranial fossa. The carotid angiography revealed that the tumor stain was supplied from oph-thalmic artery and orbitofrontal artery. CT showed an area with relatively low density in the left frontal base.

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