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播種性non-tuberculous mycobacteria(NTM)症は重症免疫不全者に発症する全身性の非結核性抗酸菌症であり,90%以上がMycobacterium avium complex(MAC)を原因菌とする。臨床経過は特徴的であるが多彩な画像所見を呈し,画像のみではしばしば診断に難渋する。今回我々は,Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)治療中に発症した播種性NTM症を経験したため,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
A 60-year-old male patient had a complaint of dyspnea. He was diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)infection with pneumocystis pneumonia. Highly active antiretroviral therapy was introduced after antimicrobial treatment. Follow-up computed tomography revealed a mass in the right pulmonary hilar region. Additionally, systemic lymphadenitis and thickening of the ascending colon wall were observed. Ascending colon biopsy demonstrated a small number of acid-fast bacilli. The diagnosis was disseminated nontuberculous mycobacterial(NTM)disease. Disseminated NTM disease is known to occur as immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in response to HIV treatment.
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