

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Bronchiolar adenoma/ciliated muconodular papillary tumor of the lung:a case report Hiroaki Okada 1 1Department of Radiology Aichi Medical University Keyword: 線毛性粘液結節性乳頭状腫瘍 , 細気管支腺腫 , 良性腫瘍 pp.599-603
Published Date 2022/6/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18888/rp.0000001970
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Bronchiolar adenoma/ciliated muconodular papillary tumor(BA/CMPT)is a rare benign tumor that develops in the peripheral lung and shows alveolar replacement papillary growth of fimbria and goblet cells with mucus production. We report a case of a man in his 50 s with BA/CMPT. Computed tomography(CT)revealed a 10 mm-sized solid nodule in the lower left lobe S9. Three months later, the nodule had no shrinking trend so lung cancer was suspected. Partial resection was performed under thoracoscopic surgery, and the pathological diagnosis was BA/CMPT. No recurrence was observed 7 months after the operation.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0009-9252 金原出版


