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肺癌領域においては,Ⅳ期非小細胞肺癌(non-small-cell lung cancer:NSCLC)を中心に免疫チェックポイント阻害薬の開発が進み,従来極めて予後不要であったⅣ期肺癌でも長期生存が期待できるようになってきている。また免疫チェックポイント阻害薬をⅢ期症例に適用することで生存が改善することが判明した。従来の局所療法中心から薬物療法との併用がより重要になってきており,それに伴い適切な放射線治療計画について検討する必要性が高まっている。本稿では,今後のⅢ期NSCLCの放射線治療計画における照射体積を中心に考察してみたい。
In 60’s through 70’s, thoracic radiotherapy(RT)for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC)has become considered as the standard of care. Then, RT combined chemotherapy has showed more promising results in survival in 90’s. These clinical trials usually consisted of two dimensional radiotherapy planning and radiation portals usually included electal nodal irradiation. In 2000’s, three dimensional RT has become popular and dose escalation study comparing 60Gy versus 74Gy has been conducted, but it failed in showing the superiority of high dose RT, in which clinical target volume in both arms included only primary tumor and metastasic lymphnodes(involved field;IF). Recently, chemoradiotherapy followed by immunotherapy(Durvalmab)has showed significant improvement in progression free survival and overall survival. Adding to durvalmab caused increase incidence of lung toxicity, thus, IF approach is reasonable to reduce lung dose.

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