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当院は,静岡県の志太榛原医療圏(対象人口約47万人)に属す,焼津市内で唯一の総合病院であるが,PET/CT装置は保有していない。そのため,PET検査はすべて他施設への依頼となり,検査待ち日数の延長によって,迅速な治療が行えない場合もあった。外科医からの要望により,当院のMRI装置でもDWIBS(diffusion-weighted whole body imaging with background body signal suppression)検査が行えるように補助器具の製品開発を行い,2016年にDWIBS検査導入開始となった。多くの症例によって,放射線科医は,DWIBS検査への見方に変化が起こり始めた。また,DWIBS検査導入後の院内効果や,焼津市という自治体を巻き込んだDWIBS検査の推進によるDWIBS検査の需要増加など,院内で行った取り組みについて紹介する。
We do not have a PET-CT scanner. For that reason, all PET examinations are outsourced to other institutions, and therefore the waiting time tended to be long. To fulfill the requests from the surgeons and other physicians for functional whole-body scanning, we decided to implement DWIBS as an alternative to PET in our hospital. Initially, clinical interest for DWIBS was very low in our hospital, but after experience with many cases in which DWIBS proved to be effective, the number of DWIBS examinations has increased and DWIBS is frequently used in addition to standard radiological examinations like CT scanning. Our experience is now frequently picked up by media like city journal or TV programs, and the demand for DWIBS is expected to further increase in the future.
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