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世界的にCT被ばく,特にCT被ばく過多の意識が高まった2001年からすでに17年が経過している。本稿ではこの20年弱の期間において我が国と世界が経てきた,主に臨床面における小児CT被ばく低減の歩みを振り返ってみたいと思う。そのトピックとして基本をなす “最適化の現状” と “正当化の現状” に加え国際的にみた現状やリスクコミュニケーション,また将来の展望について解説する。
Almost 16 years has passed since ALARA conference of Society for Pediatric Radiology in 2002, We Japanese societies has been trying to reduce pediatric CT radiation dose. There are some memorable events including establishment of diagnostic reference level(Japan DRL 2015)and diagnostic guideline. However, there is big delay of announcement of these important issues as compared with other advanced nations. We finally got started in the way we always wanted, just like other countries. It is possible but highly challenging to distribute Japan DRL 2015 and diagnostic guidelines. We would like to make dose monitoring to next task.
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