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はじめに 成人期における左室瘤では,虚血や外傷など後天性に発生するものが多く知られている.しかし,先天性左室瘤は発見されることもまれで,明確な治療指針は示されておらず,手術加療の報告は少ない.われわれは先天性左室瘤に対し,endocardial linear infarct exclusion technique(ELIET法)を用いて瘤閉鎖術を行った1例を経験したので報告する.
Surgical repair of asymptomatic congenital left ventricular aneurysm is poorly reported. A 30-year-old man presented with an asymptomatic abnormal electrocardiogram. Computed tomography (CT) and angiography revealed a congenital left ventricular aneurysm, and surgical repair was conducted with endocardial linear infarct exclusion technique (ELIET). His postoperative course was uneventful. Postoperative CT showed an elliptical cardiac shape with no recurrence of aneurysm. ELIET would serve as a surgical procedure for congenital left ventricular aneurysm.

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