

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Feelings about Breastfeeding of Primiparas Just before Leaving the Maternity Hospital and Actions of Nurses and Midwives They Felt Most Helpful Motoko NISHIZAWA 1 , Aki KAMIYA 2 , Akemi NAKAGAKI 3 1Kanazawa Medical University Himi Hospital 2Nagoya City University Hospital 3School of Nursing/Graduate School of Nursing, Nagoya City University Keyword: 初産婦 , 母乳育児 , 退院間近 , 母乳育児への思い , 看護者の働きかけ , primiparas , breastfeeding , before leaving the maternity hospital , feelings on breastfeeding , actions of nurses pp.12-24
Published Date 2018/12/31
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7009200294
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Objectives: To explore the feelings about breastfeeding of primiparas just before leaving the maternity hospital and the actions of nurses and midwives they felt most helpful.

 Method: A semi-constitutive interview was conducted on 12 primiparas who were on the 4th to 5th day of puerperium and for whom discharge from the hospital was planned.

 Results: Their feelings selected from 184 codes of “feelings” were various and included actual sensations of joy and their role as a mother, sadness and resignation, and a feeling of obligation on breastfeeding. These feelings of the primiparas were related not only to the influence of actual conditions such as acquisition of breastfeeding skills and physical affliction but also to the differences from the hope and images of breastfeeding they had had before delivery and their feelings toward discharge from the maternity hospital. The “helpful actions” selected from 176 codes included encouragement and approval to the mother, talking to the mother to give her a feeling of ease, and support to the mother by paying attention to their physical conditions. The actions included, in terms of knowledge and techniques, guidance suitable for the respective timings and breastfeeding conditions and the offering of knowledge tailored to the respective subjects.

 Conclusions: The feelings of primiparas just before discharge from the maternity hospital were complicated. Actions helpful to them were mainly related to the behaviors and attitude of nurses and midwives.

Copyright © 2018, Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-2606 日本看護医療学会


