

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Relationship between women's knowledge on the fertility-potential declining age and a pregnancy decision scale Keiko YAMAZAKI 1 , Masuko SAITO 1 1School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Toho University Keyword: 妊孕力 , 初産婦 , 妊娠決定尺度 , Pregnancy-potential , primiparas , pregnancy decision scale pp.23-31
Published Date 2009/10/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7011200010
  • Abstract
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To elucidate the relationship between women's knowledge on age at which women's fertility-potential starts to decline and the pregnancy decision scale extracted from analysis of factors referred to by the women upon their decision on pregnancy.


Using a self-completed questionnaire sent by post, a survey was conducted on 175 primiparas getting gynecological checkup during July to September 2007. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted by using a principal factor method/promax rotation on the factors referred to by the women upon their decision on pregnancy, and a pregnancy decision scale (PDS) was set up. Then, statistical analyses were conducted by a scaling technique.


The mean age of the subjects was 30.0 years and the percentage of women in jobs was 50.3%. The question about the fertility-potential declining age was correctly answered only by 53.7% of women and, among them, 54.2% supposed the final child-bearing age is 35-45 years. As PDS, 5 lower criteria were extracted; i.e. "Condition/circumstances", "Social value", "One's own value", "Family view" and "Generation succession". No statistical correlation was observed between the knowledge on the pregnancy-potential declining age and PDS.


Revealed was that primiparas' correct knowledge on the fertility-potential declining age is less and the knowledge is not referred to for their decision on pregnancy/childbirth. Among the 5 lower criteria of PDS, the highest score was gained by "One's own value", thus, primiparas were found to have a spiritually high value about attainment of pregnancy, childbirth and child-rearing as well as baby's existence itself. Also suggested was that correlation among the 5 lower criteria is influenced by whether they have a job or not.

Copyright © 2009, The Japan Maternal and Infant Caring Association All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2758-8092 印刷版ISSN 1882-2495 日本母子看護学会


