

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Phases of Resilience in the Social Life of Primar y Rectal Cancer Patients after Low Anterior Resection Chise Wada 1 , Shizue Suzuki 2 1Kobe University Graduate School of Health Sciences Doctoral Course 2Hyogo University of Health Sciences, School of Nursing Keyword: Resilience , 低位前方切除術 , 直腸がん , resilience , low anterior resection , rectal cancer pp.80-90
Published Date 2021/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 The purpose of this study was to identify resilience phases and elements in the social life of patients with primary rectal cancer after low anterior resection as well as how they went through the process. The participants were 12 outpatients who had undergone low anterior resection without stoma formation less than three years before. A semi-structured interview was performed, and the data was analyzed qualitatively and descriptively. The following four elements of resilience were extracted from the data. The first phase began with “persistent recognition of unacceptably changed reality after low anterior resection,” and this element linked to the second phase, “activating self-healing power to make a positive meaning.” Then, these elements led to the third phase indicating a progression of recovery “leading oneself to a healthier life in harmony with a reintegrated self.” Through these processes, the final element, “being able to have self-awareness of newly-acquired internal growth,” was provided as the fourth phase associated with growth. Early post-operative nursing care becomes a reliable form of support for patients to enhance resilience, by sharing negative feelings and focusing on issues recognized by those patients. Thereby, nurses provide support in increasing patients' mental and physical stability and resistance. In addition, it is important that resilient nurses who are knowledgeable about resilience be involved as a partner in the process of strengthening or discovering potential for resilience in patients.

Copyright © 2021, Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2189-7565 印刷版ISSN 0914-6423 日本がん看護学会


