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カリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校(UCSF)の看護教員グループは1994年に症状マネジメントモデルを発表(The University of California San Fransisco School of Nursing Symptom Management Faculty Group, 1994)し,同モデルは1997年に翻訳され日本でも紹介されている(UCSF症状マネジメント教員グループ,1997)。さらに同グループは,このモデルをさまざまな症状マネジメントに関する研究結果に照らし合わせた上で改定した改訂版を2001年に発表している(Dodd, Janson, Facione, Faucett, Froelicher, Humphreys et al., 2001)。Lenzらは不快な症状に関する中範囲理論の開発に取り組み,複雑な症状(時には複数の症状群)を理解するための理論的枠組みを提示している(Lenz, Pugh, Milligan, Gift, & Suppe, 1997 ; Lenz, Suppe, Gift, Pugh, & Milligan, 1995)。これらのモデル・理論は,まだ検証段階にあるといえるが,症状を包括的に理解し,より効果的に症状マネジメントを行なうための研究や実践に方向性を与える役割を果たしている。
Symptoms are a heavy burden for persons who are experiencing them. The symptom affects many aspects of a person's life. Yet, since symptoms are subjective sensations, it is difficult for others to understand the symptom experience. Because of the subjectivity and multidimensionality of symptoms, effective symptom management is a challenge for nurses as well as for the person who is experiencing it. In this article, a Symptom Management Model for Nurses is proposed. This model is based on the Symptom Management Conceptual Model by UCSF Symptom Management team (1994, 2001) and modified to reflect nurses' roles in symptom management (Larson, 1997).From a nursing perspective, nurses need to understand the entire symptom experience. The symptom experience includes not only how a patient perceives the symptom but also the outcomes of having the symptom. Various aspects of symptom experiences are delineated with cancer related literature. In order for symptom management strategies to be successful, nurses need to 1) have scientific and experiential knowledge about the symptom and its mechanisms to identify therapeutic interventions, 2) understand the person's symptom experience by listening, questioning, and observing, and 3) provide interventions to support self care. The applications of this model to nursing practice, education, and research are discussed.
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