

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Related Factors and Needs of Outpatient Colorectal Cancer Patients Using Portable Disposable Injection Pumps for Chemotherapy Reiko Sugiyama 1 , Makiko Hasebe 1 1Akita University Graduate School of Health Sciences Keyword: 外来がん化学療法 , 携帯型ディスポーザブル注入ポンプ , 大腸がん患者 , ニード , Outpatients , portable disposable injection pumps , needs , cancer chemotherapy pp.34-43
Published Date 2015/5/25
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 The purpose of this study is to clarify the needs and related factors of outpatient colorectal cancer patients using portable disposable injection pumps for chemotherapy. The authors implemented a postal questionnaire survey of 668 patients with colon cancer who were undergoing outpatient chemotherapy. Responses were received from 298 subjects, all of which were suitable for analysis. Analysis was comprised of simple calculations, chisquare testing and logistic regression analysis. The written questions were subjected to categorization of the details provided.

 Such chemotherapy treatment interferes with the activities of daily life, particularly in the areas of hygiene and work, with side effects and the physical impact of the pump being contributing factors. In all, 60% of respondents were concerned about living with their pump attached, and the factors related to the concerns included “young age” and “Not the person doing most of the housework.” In many cases, respondents were concerned about protecting the tubes and needles from damage, etc. A total of 70% completed their injections at home, with approximately 30% of these finding difficulties such as the tape being difficult to remove, that they were afraid of handling the needles, etc. Altogether, 40% of respondents had experienced some sort of problem during injection, with more than half of these reporting skin symptoms in the area where the tape was fixed. Factors involved in experiencing problems included “Female,” “Having the disease for a long time,” and “port location : chest.” The needs ascertained from the free responses included “Would like needle insertion that hurts less and improved tape fixing,” “Would like an improved method of attaching pump,” and “Problems with and concerns about the port,” etc.

 It is important to ensure the provision of information and guidance regarding treatment and lifestyles prior to the initiation of treatment. Even patients used to treatment may have skin trouble or other problems, or experience lifestyle issues. For these reasons, it appears that ongoing support and access to advice are required.

Copyright © 2015, Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2189-7565 印刷版ISSN 0914-6423 日本がん看護学会


