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本研究の目的は,Margaret Newmanの「拡張する意識としての健康の理論」を理論的枠組みとして,老年期がん患者と看護師がパートナーとなり,ケアリングパートナーシップという看護ケアを実施し,患者ががん体験の苦しみの中で自分の人生と自分自身の意味をどのように見いだしていくのかを探究することであった.実践と研究を結びつけ,過程に注目する質的,縦断的研究デザインをとった.研究参加者は,告知や治療など,がんによる苦しみの真っただ中にいる65〜80歳の間の患者6名であった.参加者は研究者と3回以上の面談をもち,人生の中での意味ある人間関係や事柄を語り,対話を繰り返した.データはこの参加者の語りと対話の内容,ならびに研究者のジャーナルであった.
The purpose of this study was to identify the process of expanding consciousness of elderly patients with cancer in a patient-researcher caring partnership based on Margaret Newman's theory of health. Research and practice were bridged in a qualitative, longitudinal approach. The participants consisted of six elderly patients(65-80 years old) who were suffering from cancer and who had experience in receiving cancer treatments after diagnosis. The participants had at least three meetings with a researcher to talk about meaningful relationship and events in their lives and to facilitate better understandings between them and the researcher.
The pattern of the participants revealed 'priority to others', 'lack of expression of one's own feelings', and 'live up to one's principles'. A transformation occurred in the process of the caring partnership when participants realized their own patterns and knew that the more they tried to continue this way of life, the more they would be suffered. Once fully realizing this, they immediately became cognizant of their true feelings. The realities of their lives became more acceptable and pleasing by gaining a new sense of values and beliefs. This phenomenon was also similar in the participant who accomplished transformation through death.
It is suggested that the caring partnership within Newman's theory can be benefit to elderly patients with cancer who are facing predicaments and struggling in their decreased self-esteem due to aging and cancer.
Copyright © 2005, Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing All rights reserved.