

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Developing and Testing the Reliability and Validity of a Support Scale for Family Caregivers’ Appraisal Mika SAKURAI 1 , Kaori SAEKI 2 , Ayako NAKAYAMA 1 , Marina TAKIKAWA 3 , Junko HOSHINO 2 1Doctoral Program Postgraduate School of Health Sciences, Nagoya University 2Nagoya University, Graduate School of Medicine 3Master’s Program Postgraduate School of Health Sciences, Nagoya University Keyword: 家族介護者 , 介護の認識 , 訪問看護師 , 支援 , 尺度開発 , family caregiver , appraisal of care , visiting nurse , support , scale development pp.1-11
Published Date 2024/6/30
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7009200382
  • Abstract
  • Reference


Purpose. This study aimed to develop a support scale based on family caregivers’ appraisal and toexamine the scale’s reliability and validity.

Methods. A questionnaire was developed based on previous studies describing family caregivers’ appraisalof care provided by visiting nurses and through interviews conducted with visiting nurses regarding thesupport they provided. The scale initially comprised 42 items, and similar items were grouped. Finally, 16 items were prepared. Visiting nurses distributed the questionnaires to family caregivers. To assess criterionrelatedvalidity, we compared the questionnaire against an existing scale for measuring caregivers’ coping strategies. Moreover, to verify the reliability and validity of our scale, we conducted an exploratory factoranalysis using the maximum-likelihood method and varimax rotation.

Results. A three-factor 15-item structure was suitable: empathy and collaboration in caregiving, support that considers the care recipient’s and family’s wishes, and provision of information and skills regarding the recipient’s care. The model’s confirmatory and reliability analysis using Cronbach’s alpha yielded moderately high to high values. This scale and the existing one, with the coping strategies of caregivers, showed correlation coefficients (r) of 0.354〜0.477 and a significant difference (p < 0.01).

Conclusion. The scale developed in this study was confirmed to have high reliability and validity.

Copyright © 2024, Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-2606 日本看護医療学会


