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本研究は、子どもに携わる看護師の子どもの権利擁護実践能力尺度を開発し、その信頼性と妥当性を検証する。先行研究を基に尺度案を抽出し、小児看護教育、小児看護に携わる教員・看護師を対象に、尺度項目およびスケールの内容妥当性を検討し31項目の尺度案を作成した。さらに尺度案を関東圏内の小児専門病院5施設および関東圏内大学病院25施設計30施設の627名に無記名自記式質問紙調査票で調査を実施した。有効回収率は58.2%であった。項目分析、因子分析の結果、【子どもと家族を理解し支援する力】【子どもの権利を擁護していない医療スタッフと調整する力】【子どもへの説明と意思を変更確認する力】の3因子19項目が抽出された。Cronbach's α係数は0.86と、ある程度の内容妥当性が示された。調査対象を変更拡大し尺度項目・基準関連妥当性の検討課題があるが、精度を高める事で、妥当性と信頼性を確保し実用性のある尺度となる可能性が確認できた。
This study aimed to develop a scale assessing pediatric nurses' ability to achieve practice that advocates for children's rights and verify its reliability and validity. The draft scales were extracted from previous studies and their items and validity were examined by teachers and nurses engaging in pediatric nursing and education. Thirty one items of the draft scales were prepared. Furthermore, anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey using these items was conducted with 627 pediatric nurses in 30 health care facilities in the Kanto region, including 25 university and 5 pediatric hospitals. The effective recovery rate was 58.2%. Based on item analysis and factor analysis, nineteen items were classified into three factors: “ability to understand and support children and their family,” “ability to adjust medical staff who did not advocate for children's rights” and “ability to explain to the child and confirming his or her own view.” Cronbach's α coefficient for the overall reliability was 0.86 and its content validity was presented. However, there are additional challenges to study the items of the scales and criterion-related validity for another enlarged object of survey. It was confirmed that the scales could be practicable by improving accuracy of the scales.
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