

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Perceptions among New Preceptors: Focusing on the Third and Sixth Months of Preceptorship Ayumi Ito 1 , Yoshiko Kanai 1 , Tadahiro Otani 1 , Sachiko Takada 2 1Department of Nursing, Gunma University Hospital 2Department of Nursing, Public Fujioka General Hospital Keyword: プリセプター , 看護職 , 新人看護職員研修 , 認識 , Preceptor , Nurse , Clinical training for newly-graduated nursing personnel , Perception pp.184-191
Published Date 2021/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Purpose: To clarify perceptions among new preceptors in the third and sixth months of preceptorship.

 Methods: Using a qualitative descriptive approach, we analyzed descriptions written by 63 new preceptors about “their experiences in terms of matters, worries, and problems” and “good experiences as a preceptor”. The preceptors wrote their descriptions in the third and sixth months of their follow-up training programs.

 Results: The results of the analysis revealed that in the third month, preceptors felt that they “lacked technique as a mentor” and “had difficulty in controlling their emotions”; however, they also experienced “enjoyment from teaching” and noticed “changes in themselves”, felt “anxiety for the new nurses”, and perceived “growth among the new nurses”. In the sixth month, they regarded the “experience of confronting themselves” affirmatively and found it worthwhile to be a preceptor because it allowed them to “explore new teaching methods”. Moreover, although they experienced difficulty regarding “cooperation with their seniors”, they felt the “supportive system in their sections” and “thankful for their seniors”.

 Conclusion: These findings suggest that the preceptors resolved their problems and experienced increasingly positive emotions while having contradictory perceptions for themselves, new nurses, and their seniors.

Copyright © 2021, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


