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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the difficulties experienced bymothers with infants who survived cancer. In this study, mothers who survived cancer were diagnosed while raising infants and had completed the primary treatment.
Methods: The study was conducted with five mothers who were diagnosed with cancer after childbirth, and survived the disease after completing primary treatment and whilst raising their infants. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews and analyzed qualitatively.
Results: The following nine categories were determined: (1) loss of hope caused by fear of dying and leaving their children, (2) uncertainty and long-term treatment is painful, (3) difficulty balancing treatment and parenting, (4) loss of a normal life for that person, (5) frustration and inability to accept cancer, (6) difficulty involving children and family due to cancer, (7) lack of reliable resources and information, (8) the inability to share their pain without meeting experienced person, and (9) the economic burden where treatment and life overlap.
Conclusion: Mothers, who survived cancer while raising infants, saw no hope of living to see their child grow up, and experienced difficulties such as coordinating treatment and parenting. Therefore, greater childcare support for these mothers is needed. The study suggested the importance of forming networks between mothers who survived cancer to enable mutual support and manage their situations better.
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