

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Development of Embodiment Care for Diabetic Patients Using Benner's Nursing Theory Yoko Nonami 1 , Sanae Iha 2 , Akiko Yoneda 3 , Astuko Baba 1 , Yuriko Soeda 4 , Masako Sone 5 , Akiko Uozato 1 , Chizuko Suzuki 6 , Namiko Oe 7 , Satoko Ueno 8 , Terue Kawada 9 1Faculty of Nursing, Kobe Women's University 2Kusatsu General Hospital 3Faculty of Nursing, Yamanashi Prefectural University 4Faculty of Nursing, Soka University 5Funabashi Municipal Medical Center 6Hamamatsu University Hospital 7Murakami Karindoh Hospital 8Holy Sprit Hospital 9School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical University Keyword: P・ベナーのケアリング理論 , 糖尿病患者 , エンボディメントケア , メタ統合 , 解釈的現象学 , Benner's nursing theory , Diabetic patients , Embodiment care , Meta-synthesis , Interpretive phenomenology pp.247-254
Published Date 2016/12/31
  • Abstract
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Objective: This study aimed to construct a new theoretical framework of providing care to diabetic patients so that they can make use of their embodied intelligence. This new construct is based on Benner's nursing theory, in which the concept of care is a theoretical assumption.

Method: Meta-synthesis and interpretative phenomenology approaches were used in this study. We conducted a group discussion with nursing exemplars to extract the commonality in the meaning of care.

Results: The meta-synthesis of seven papers revealed four continuous nursing care categories: describing ambiguous experiences, deepening the understanding of the body, recovering trust in the body, and utilizing new coping methods. We integrated these categories and named them as “embodiment care for diabetic patients.”

Conclusion: Our new theoretical framework of nursing practice is based on the conclusion that embodiment care for diabetic patients enables them to have a sense of well-being, regain their everyday life by comforting their body, and become independent.

Copyright © 2016, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


