

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Study on the After-Effects of Closed Chest Cardiac Massage with Three Different Practice Frequencies Yasuko Okayama 1 , Michi Yamamoto 1 , Fumio Nakadomo 1 , Fujie Ueno 1 1Osaka Prefectural College of Nursing pp.61-65
Published Date 1986/12/30
  • Abstract
  • Reference


 The purpose of this study was to find the most effective frequency of the practice session in the closed chest cardiac massage. Fifteen healthy nurse-school female students were randomly devided into three different experimental groups (n=5). The first group (M-g) practiced once a week for one month. The second group (W-g) exercised one practice session per day for four days, and the third group (D-g) four practice sessions in one day. Each practice session consisted of one minute of intensive training under the supervision of the present investigators. The thorax compression force was measured using a force measurement device attatched to a cardiac massage dummy (the Leardal's Recording Resuci Anne), and the angle of elbow was also measured by means of an electro-goniometer system. The measurement was done before and after each practice session, and one month and 6 months after the final practice session. During each practice session each subject was instructed that an ideal magnitude of the force was 40kg, and the elbows were straightened (0 degree) throughout the compression phases.

 It was found that the compression forces before the first practice session were 34.9±1.22kg, 35.3±2.24kg, and 34.9±3.39kg for M-g,W-g, and D-g, respectively. There were no significant differences in these mean values of three groups. The compression force after the four practice sessions for each group was significantly larger than its corresponding initial mean value. The M-g had 42.1±0.97kg, and the W-g and D-g had 39.5±1.05kg and 39.5±0.20kg, respectively. It was noted that these values were similar to the ideal force of 40kg, suggesting that each training method was equally effective.However, there were significant differences in the compression forces when measured 6 months after the final practice session. The W-g and D-g had an apparent decrimental effect in the compression force, and the greatest change was seen in D-g. There were no significant changes in the elbow angle due to the effects of time. These results suggested that lessons of the cardiac massage should be spaced over a relatively longer period of time.

Copyright © 1986, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


