

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Nurses' Burn out and Their Social, Behavioral Patterns Fumiaki Inaoka 1 , Masashi Kawano 2 , Tsunetsugu Munakata 3 1The Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing 2Junior College of Nursing, The Tokyo Women's Medical College 3The National Institute of Mental Health pp.50-60
Published Date 1986/12/30
  • Abstract
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 This research focused on the relationship between Japanese nurses' burn out and their social, behavioral patterns, in comparison with those of internists, surgeons, and psychiatrists. The samples(nurse: 300, internist and surgeon :600 , psychiatrist:300) were randomly chosen through the members of each professional organization. The variables of burn out, motivation and morale, working environment, perceived support and expectation from health professionals, social support, learned helplessness, recent life events, daily hassles, type A behavior, and coping behavior were measured.

 The nurses' burn out rate was twice as much higher than that of the internists and the surgeons. Nurses, who are in late twenties, single, seperated or divor ced, 6-9 year's clinical experiences at the same institution, working on three shift, and working as a staff nurse, were identified as a high risk group for burn out . The following factors, which were closely interweaved, brought into the nurses' burn out: 1) motivation and morale, 2) working environment , 3) perceived support and expectation from health professionals, 4)learned helplessness, 5)recent life events, 6) daily hussles.

 Among these factors, interpersonal conflicts at work, nurses' low motivation and low morale, daily hassles were the major causes of the nurses' burn out . Positive coping behavior and social support system alleviated job strain.

 Considering these research results, nurses' supervisors could play a crucial role in prevention of nurses' burn out.

Copyright © 1986, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


