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急性期病棟に入院中の精神疾患患者におけるSOC(sense of coherence),喫煙・飲酒習慣,ニコチン・アルコール依存度,さらにこれら変数間等の関連を明らかにすることを目的に,SOC,FTND,CAGEといった尺度を含む質問紙調査を実施した.その結果,統合失調症が7割強を占めた入院患者の平均SOC得点は52.8±11.7点であった.喫煙率は47.0%で,ニコチン依存症(FTND6点以上)とアルコール依存症が疑われた者(CAGE2点以上)は21.5%と7.0%であった.変数間の関連では,喫煙者のCAGE得点が非喫煙者のそれよりも有意に高く(p<.01),SOCとFTND得点(p<.01),SOC得点と発症年齢(p<.05)間に負と正の有意な相関が認められた.精神疾患患者のSOCが個人の嗜癖性と,精神症状や精神病理と部分的に関係している可能性を示唆しており,今後の更なる検証が望まれる.
The purpose of this study is to clarify SOC(sense of coherence), the smoking and drinking statuses, addiction, and relationship among the SOC, addictions, and admission variables including psychiatric symptoms,in the inpatients of an acute psychiatric unit.Questionnaires including those for the SOC scale, FTND (Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence:a screening test for nicotine dependence), and CAGE (a screening test for alcoholism) were administered to the inpatients. The average SOC score of the inpatients(more than 70% of the inpatients suffered from schizophrenia)was 52.8±11.7 points. The results revealed that 47.0% of the inpatients were smokers, and 21.5% of them were suspected to be nicotine dependent (i.e., their FTND scores were above 5 points). On the other hand, 7.0% of the inpatients were suspected to be alcohol dependent (i.e., their CAGE scores were above 1 points). Furthermore, the results revealed that the degree of alcohol dependence was higher for smokers than for non-smokers. The degree of nicotine dependence was found to be higher in the inpatients with low SOC scores than in those with high SOC scores. Age at onset was found to be higher in the patients with high SOC scores than in those with low SOC scores. A regression analysis revealed that age and the degree of nicotine dependence were significant predictors of SOC scores. In conclusion, these findings suggest the possibility that SOC is partially related to addictions and the psychopathology of patients. Further validation of the evidence is necessary.
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