

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Present Situation Regarding the Usage of Defining Characteristics for Practicing Midwives to Diagnose the Pregnant Process: in Special Reference to the“Confirmation of Pregnancy”and the“Possibilitity of Abnormality Especially of CPD” Midori Mishima 1 , Reiko Nagashima 1 , Reiko Kano 1 , Kumiko Nagasako 1 1Department of Professional Nursing Education Shimane Nursing College Keyword: 妊娠の確認 , 妊娠に伴う異常の可能性/CPD , 診断指標 , 使用状況 , Confirmation of Pregnancy , Possibility of Pregnant Abnormality Especially of CPD , Defining Characteristics , Situation Regarding the Usage pp.25-32
Published Date 2003/3/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7004100137
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 With the aim of helping complete the midwifery diagnosis that is now being developed, this study was made to clarify the present situation regarding the usage of Defining Characteristics with which practicing midwives can “confirm the pregnancy”and the “possibilitity of its abnormality especially of CPD”. Questionnaire was sent to 109 practicing midwives. Answers were obtained from 65 of them. The results revealed that the“confirmation of pregnancy”was made in 80%or above cases by following Defining Characteristics such as amenorrhea, morning sickness, distention of lower abdomen, breast engorgement, heavy vaginal discharge, general fatigue, palpabled enlarging uterus, positive pregnancy test, fetal heart beat by ultra sonic procedures. As for the“possibility of pregnant abnormality especially of CPD”, the following Defining Characteristics was considered important in 80 to 90%of the cases, such as floating head of fetus, giant baby weighed over 4,000g.

Copyright © 2003, Japan Society of Nursing Diagnosis. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2758-643X 印刷版ISSN 1341-3007 日本看護診断学会


