

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Qualitative study of hemodialysis outpatients' eating-out related distress and struggle Keyword: 血液透析患者 , 外食 , 苦悩 , 工夫 , 質的研究 , hemodialysis outpatients , eating out , distress , struggle , qualitative analysis pp.38-48
Published Date 2021/8/31
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7003200243
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 This study aimed to clarify distress and struggle about eating out for hemodialysis outpatients, and obtain suggestions for nursing care assistance while dining out. Qualitative analysis was done on the data obtained from semi-structured interviews with consenting hemodialysis outpatients, who discussed their distress and struggle about eating out.

 The 11 participants comprised 9 male and 2 female patients, with an average age of 64.4 years and mean number of years on dialysis of 9.6 years. The distress of hemodialysis patients about eating out were collated into 5 categories from 68 codes, and the extracted notable concerns included “worrying about the effect of your dietary restrictions on others” and “dissatisfaction with not being able to choose many kinds of food when eating out”

 The struggle of hemodialysis patients about eating out were collated into 6 categories from 110 codes, and the extracted notable ideas included “saying something so that you don't need worry about bothering others” and “choosing restaurants with better menu choices, and seeking assistance from family members.”

 The study revealed that hemodialysis patients worried about how their condition affects the other people they are dining with and the restaurant staff when eating out. It also highlighted how the current dining out environment is not really user-friendly for dialysis patients in terms of the menu, cooking methods and other factors.

 Therefore, regarding dietary guidance for hemodialysis patients when eating out, there needs to be ideas for saying something so the patient doesn't need to worry about bothering others, and sharing information on safe and user-friendly restaurants. The study also suggested that it is important to support self-advocacy of hemodialysis patients so that they can cooperate with their family members and restaurant staffs in order to reduce the distress of eating out.

Copyright © 2021, JAPAN ACADEMY OF NEPHROLOGY NURSING. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2758-8203 印刷版ISSN 1344-7327 日本腎不全看護学会


