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The objectives of the present study were to describe and determine the meanings of the experiences of hospitalized patients with diabetic foot ulcer (hereafter, ulcer patients). Dialogue interviews were conducted with three hospitalized ulcer patients who had undergone toe amputation. After performing analysis using the phenomenological methodology of Giorgi, the meanings of experiences were further identified. Based on analysis, the following five factors were identified as the meanings of experiences: while ulcer patients faced the difficulty of living with the illness, they also had“hopes to maintain living time and space”and had“the ability to actively engage in the world by acting independently”. Also, by“living in a world of relationships”with family and medical staff, ulcer patients were able to achieve“modification of the subjective world and personal growth”. Therefore, these patients felt agony regarding their own situations, but found that release from this agony could be obtained through interactions with family and medical staff. Interactions with nurses should thus be considered important in care for ulcer patients.
Copyright © 2009, Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing. All rights reserved.