

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Dressing disability due to difficulty understanding the structure of clothes which was successfully treated by occupational therapy utilizing somatosensory compensation and verbalization of procedures: A case study Tatsuya Hayashi 1,2 , Kohei Kusuda 3 , Osamu Isono 4 1Izumi Visiting Nursing Rehabilitation Station Nagaokakyo 2Former affiliation; Kyoto Min-iren Asukai Hospital 3Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences 4Kyoto Min-iren Asukai Hospital Keyword: 着衣障害 , 構成障害 , 代償的アプローチ , Dressing disability , Constructional disability , Compensatory approach pp.437-445
Published Date 2024/6/15
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We report the occupational therapy of a man in his 60s who had dressing disability due to bleeding after cerebral infarction. In this case, an analysis of the dressing process revealed errors in grasping the positional relationship between the body and the clothes and in the dressing procedure. Furthermore, since the structure of the clothes could not be understood, it was difficult to prepare(set)the clothes at the start of dressing. A compensatory approach was used for each disability. By linguistically compensating for the structure and procedure of clothing, using somatosensory sensation, tracing both fasteners, and confirming the collar tag, it became possible to set the start of dressing. In this case, severe structural disorder was observed, but it is thought that visual cognition and visuospatial cognition disorders are behind it, suggesting that a compensatory approach using multisensory modalities other than vision is effective.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


